YEI! Family

YEI! For a Better Life

Yavapai Exceptional Industries (YEI!) was founded in 1974 by area business leaders and families as a charitable, non-profit organization purposed to creating opportunities in the economy and the community for adults with disabilities.  YEI! is the first-choice for people who yearn to fully integrate into the community, making lasting contributions to their households and hometowns while extenuating all their native gifts.

It’s obvious from the first time you step into any of our production areas and training facilities, that we continue to be the most joyful place to work in the Central Highlands.

Three training, employment and activity centers are strategically arrayed throughout the Central Highlands, making access to our programs family-friendly.  YEI! also operates  Men’s and Women’s “family-style” group homes.  Though a wait-list for each residence exists, applications are encouraged.  In the meantime, fully-furnished guest rooms are available for “WeekEnd (or week-day!) Warriors”, giving family-caregivers a break, and our guests a “stay-cation” in grand style!

Let our family help support your family.

Exceptional Contributers

YEI! programs center on “normal adult life”, with an emphasis on “Developmental Employment”, activities built around skills for independence, and making real contributions to home and community.  The Men & Women of YEI! are “EXCEPTIONAL CONTRIBUTORS,” not “special-needs ‘consumers.”

YEI! Employment

Employment can range from part-time to full-time.  Assembly, bulk-mail, fulfillment, and packaging job stations abound, as well as our Wood Shop where award-winning patio furniture is produced.  Supervised Community-Based Employment, individually and in ‘enclaves,’ is a YEI! feature.
Activities include monthly Pizza Club, seasonally-specific crafting, bowling & swimming, holiday event parties, and our three-day Camp Mingus adventure each summer.  Trips to Spring Training baseball and the Colorado River in Glen Canyon are annual highlights!  Individual and small-group instruction in “survival” literacy and math are offered, as are computer classes.  Specific donated funds are allocated to support ancillary services such as: speech, transportation, music, and the award-winning YEI! Special Olympics Swim team – “Prescott Thunder.”
Above it all, YEI! is FUN!  With friends surrounding you and a staff devoted to you, amid music and laughter and a steady hum of productivity, being a Production Technician (or, a “YEI-hoo!”) is a fulfilling lifestyle!

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